Ghost Stories for Christmas

Yule! Winter Solstice! Christmas! Hanukkah! ‘Tis the season of holidays and festivals! Of long nights and of twinkling lights to keep the dark away. The days grow short and the night grows long and in this dark season, it’s time to call back an old tradition–of telling ghost stories at Christmas.

Smithsonian discusses the traditions of this season. They’re about darker, older, more fundamental things: winter, death, rebirth, and the rapt connection between a teller and his or her audience”. Smithsonian explores in depth the English tradition of telling ghost stories.

Paris Review gives a list of 5 Forgotten Christmas Ghost Stories, while the Line up gives us another 4 Eerie Old Holiday Ghost Stories.

Come by the store and pick up a handful of bite-sized Victorian Ghost Stories! I give one of these to my family every Christmas and we all gather around the fire to listen as one of us reads it aloud.

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